Green Park hotel complex is an excellent platform for travelers arriving in Belarus through Minsk National Airport.
We meet tourists at the airport, accommodate at our hotel, organise tours depending on the interests and wishes of travelers. We pay special attention to the wishes of older tourists.
We can offer both short-term (4–5 days) and long-term (6–10 days) tours. There are many attractions and historical places not far from the Green Park hotel complex that will open for you Belarus as a hospitable and interesting country.
This is a combination of informative sightseeing trips with visits to historical, architectural, natural and cultural attractions. We will invite you to get acquainted with the sights of Minsk and its environs, with the Belarusian architecture of the Middle Ages in Nesvizh and Mir, visit ancient churches, museums and theaters.
For those whose roots are connected with the Belarusian lands, we can offer nostalgic tours. We will help you organise a search for relatives or information about the origin of your roots, visits to cities and villages where your ancestors lived or any events significant to you took place.
Great Stone Industrial Park. Trade and Exhibition Centre.
Green Park Hotel complex. Conference facilities.
The specifics of this type of tourism are conveyed by the abbreviation MICE formed by the first letters of words M - Meetings, I - Incentives (stimulating, or encouraging trips), C - Conferences and E - Exhibitions.
Green Park hotel complex is located in the zone of one of the largest industrial parks in Central and Eastern Europe — Great Stone. In addition to high-tech industries, the largest exhibition center in China, China Merchants, has already begun work in the industrial park. We will help organise a conference, seminar, presentation, as well as meetings, receptions and events related to the business program of an entertaining, recreational, sightseeing or other nature.
Church of St. Simeon and Elena
Nesvizh Castle
This is an acquaintance with the monuments of military engineering, the study and use of fortification monuments. The interest in the military past of our country has always been very great, since the main battles of the eastern and western warring parties took place on Belarusian lands. From generation to generation, Belarusians have cultivated a sense of patriotism and love for their homeland, therefore, until the recent past, more than half of the population was able to handle the main types of military weapons.
We will introduce you to the Stalin Line Historical and Cultural Complex — one of the most ambitious fortifications on the territory of Belarus, which was built on the eve of the Second World War in 1928 - 1939.
In the Green Park hotel complex you can always get acquainted with the computer game Operation Bagration, which was created in the genre of real-time strategy by the Belarusian studio The game plausibly and realistically reconstructs the main stages of the Belarusian offensive operation in 1944.
Stalin Line
Operation Bagration
This is a visit to places with relatively untouched nature to get an idea of interesting natural, cultural and ethnographic features of Belarus. Ecological tours are an indispensable adventure for a modern urban resident tired of hustle and bustle, striving for harmony and unity with nature.
Belarus is one of the attractive countries for ecotourism. There are many reserves and national parks, specially protected natural areas on our territory. They are found throughout the country. All of them are unique in their own way, and traveling through this territory is always interesting and fascinating.
Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve
Nalibokskaya Pushcha
This is an opportunity to undergo examination, treatment and even have surgery. During this tour, we organise visits to clinics and diagnostic centres. In the Green Park hotel complex you can get a complex of SPA-procedures, therapeutic massage, wellness procedures in the fresh air. Life itself makes us think more about good physical shape, and the lack of free time and the rapid pace of modern cities are pushing us to combine relaxation with treatment or recovery.
Confidence Medical Centre
Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital
This is a visit to bright and unique events in the cultural, sports or business life of Belarus.
Football arena
Borisov Arena
It implies tourist’s holiday in the countryside, life in conditions close to village ones and even participation in agricultural work. Interest in it is explained by low costs and proximity to nature. It is great for spending a vacation with the whole family. It offers an acquaintance with peasant life, meals of natural products and can be combined with various types of passive and active recreation.
We offer you to get acquainted with Dudutki museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies, as well as Dukorsky Mayontak museum complex, which are located near the Green Park hotel complex.
Dudutki museum complex of ancient folk crafts and technologies
Dukorsky Mayontak
European society is getting older. A growing number of elderly people do not want to stay at home after retirement. Green Park Hotel Complex is a great place for older travelers. You will be offered not only cultural or educational, but also a healing program.
You will find a picturesque pine forest, a comfortable SPA complex with a swimming pool and meet interesting people in the Green Park hotel complex after each interesting and eventful day of exploring Belarus.
Green Park hotel complex and its partner Pinewood LLC are pleased to offer a full range of travel services for you and your guests in Minsk and its environs, as well as throughout Belarus.
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