Minsk Regional Clinical Hospital, State Institution
223040 Minsk region, Minsk district, agro-town Lesnoy, 1, Republic of Belarus
Т: +375 (17) 514 32 40
М: +375 (44) 550-20-28; +375 33 377 5354
Е: info@mokb.by
Republican Centre for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneotherapy, State Institution
220114 Minsk, Makayonka St, 17, Republic of Belarus.
T: +375 17 374 65 10; +375 17 215 27 70
M: +375 29 686-27-70; +375 29 249-97-70
E: center@makaenka17med.by
Republican Clinical Medical Centre, State Institution
223028 Minsk region, Minsk district, Zhdanovichi village council, 81/5, Zhdanovichi agro-town, Belarus
M: +375 29 543 44 45 - contact centre
E: info@vip-clinic.by - general issues
CONFIDENCE Medical Centre
220121 Minsk, Pritytskogo St, 39
Т: +375 17 363 70 73
М: +375 29 865 20 90; +375 25 744 49 66
E: info@confidence.by
Belavia Interational Airlines
220004 Minsk, Nemiga St, 14A, Republic of Belarus
Т: +375 17 220 24 24
E: office@belavia.by
Aeroflot Airlines
220030 Minsk, Y. Kupaly St, 25-101, Republic of Belarus
Т: +375 17 328-68-95; +375 (17) 328-69-79
TRANSAVIA Travel Agency
220030 Minsk, Engelsa St, 34
Т: +375 17 328 36 22
М: +375 29 661 36 22
E: info@transavia.by